The 4-1-0

Monday, November 20, 2006

Still waiting

and waiting...and waiting.
No news from either job prospect, but I am supposed to hear either today or tomorrow (I've heard that before...)
So, I'm on lunch right now. I usually eat my food within 10 minutes and, seeing that I have a full hour, wind up either sitting around and playing Tetris on my cellphone, or staring out at the city. The cafeteria here is on the 9th floor and has panoramic views of the city (there is also a deck, which no one seems to know about, that I frequent when the weather is nice). Most of the time during lunch I stare out the window (or over the railing), waiting for some great epiphany to hit me like an unsuspecting sparrow flying head-on into an all-but-invisible window. So far, nothing. Not even a sparrow (which, if I'm outside on the deck, is a good thing because the bird would fly into my eye).
Speaking of birds, I did watch/listen to what seemed to be a car chase the other week. There were a lot of police cars tearing down one of the major roads. After a few blocks, they split off and tried to flank the unrelenting purp. All of this was made easier, I'm sure, through the assistance of the "ghetto bird" (props to Tupac) flying cirlces around the East Baltimore neighborhood.
Other fascinating things to watch from the oberservation deck are the blue blinking lights that pepper every block of East Baltimore like nefarious blue Christmas lights. They are police cameras. One every block. Blinking all day long. I'm not sure if they stop much crime, but they sure do look neat from 90 ft in the air. They are also good signposts for letting you know when it's neccessary to roll up your windows as you're driving through the ghetto on your way to the store.



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