The 4-1-0

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What does it mean?

So, two nights ago I had this very perplexing dream…
Kristin and I were camping in the Boundary Waters (which turned out to be my parents backyard) with our two cats (which, coincidentally, happened to be dogs). All of a sudden, a bear shows up. As I know from past experience, black bears (the kind that reside in the BWCA) are fairly easy to scare off. (This is where it starts to get weird) Having remembered this fact in my dream, I proceeded to reach either into or near (I’m a little hazy as to which actually occurred) my wife’s “back door” and pull out an air horn (you know, like they use at football games) and blast it right in the bear’s face. At first, the bear ran away. Soon however, he came back. Nothing scared him. Then, all of a sudden, the bear started speaking. He told me his name was “Snuggles” (or something ridiculous like that) and informed me that he was a "swamp bear" and posed no threat to us or the cats (dogs). He then showed me his teeth and explained that they needed to be long and sharp to chew the tough roots that made up a large part of his diet. Shortly afterwards, I woke up, having no idea where I was…



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that this is proof you need professional help. First, cheesecake and now an air horn? God help us all.

2:04 PM  
Blogger Buckwalter said...

Yeah, and let's not forget the recording device. God help us all indeed.

2:04 PM  

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