The 4-1-0

Friday, October 06, 2006

My new profession

So, yesterday was a pretty cool day. After feeling really disillusioned about my current and future job prospects, I visited the Peabody to learn more about their MA in Audio Sciences. It seems like a really good prospect; small classes, lots of new technology, a constantly changing program and, most importantly, a solid integration of music into all of the techno babble. The only set back is $$ would be very expensive for both of us to go to school at the same time. HOWEVER, there is actually a chance to get one of 2 assistantships (1 full, 1 half), which would be huge!
(or I could pursue the following)
Last night, we were watching TV and, after discussing my future career in audio design/recording, a tampon commercial came on (go figure). Kristin made a genius comment along the lines of: "Just think, someone is actually a tampon designer." Brilliant. After some more discussion, we decided that if my audio career doesn't work out, I can always fall-back on the seemingly lucrative career of feminine hygiene product design. I could really hold my head up high then!



Blogger Madame Flamingo said...

That is a smashing idea. With your ingenuity and skill in this market, I foresee women everywhere turning dread to chipperness at that time of the month. Maybe you could combine the audio thing and the tampon deal, and just be the new god of tampon audio commercials. It could be the revolution of the future by the future...and I guess for the future.
Also, I hope everything's going well for you's tough to move to a new place...and we definitely understand the initial loneliness. It's just nice to have each other, you know? Love the blog...very fun to read and hear how you're doing!
Also again...every time I meet a dull-witted student, I think of the phrase "dumber than a box of hair" and I think fondly of Mr. G. How awesome.

11:17 PM  

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