The 4-1-0

Sunday, October 22, 2006

so much new stuff!

Alright, I actually need to make at least three more posts over the next few days, hoepfully I'll have the time.
I'll start with the best (and probably least interesting) news. I got a job! Here's where it gets interesting...
So, I applied for this job at the University on October 1st. After almost two weeks of not hearing, I decided to apply for a temp position. On the temp company's web page, I read a description for a job that sounded vary similar to the job at the University.
On Wednesday, the 11th, I get a call from the temp agency requesting that I come in for an interview. In talking to "Lisa," I determined that the job they were advertising was, indeed, the same job as the one at the University. Yup, same description, same requirements, no benefits and pay that is $2.00-$4.00/hr less than the University's ad.
Two days later, on Friday, I went in for an interview. Here it was clarified that the temp job was actually different (and far more "watered-down") than the full-time position. I was also informed by the person conducting the interview (now my boss), that she never saw my resume that was submitted to the school. That being said, the interview went really well.
ONE HOUR LATER, I was called by "Lisa" while I was riding the bus home. She said that if I wanted the job, they would cancel the rest of their interviews and hire me. I said yes, but It was too loud to hear anything on the bus, so we decided I would discuss more when I gto home. At home, as I was talking to "Lisa," my cellphone rang. It was the school. I checked the my messages only to find out the Human Resources wanted to schedule an interview with me that next week. Great. Now what?
After a few calls, it was decided that I could do my HR interview on Monday. That went really well, and it sounded like they were going to hire me for the fulltime position. Alas, they did not. After working Tuesday-Friday last week, my boss decided that she, in order to be fair, needed to interview me again. (fine with me, it's just a little weird...) The funny thing is that I've been instructed to "act like we haven't met before." Alright. Whatever you say. I'll wear a pink tutu as long as you give me the freak'n job! That interview (hopefully the last) is on Tuesday.
So, busy week last week. And this story isn't even the half of it. I have to write about the job I have (big brother is watching you), talk about the most amazing dinner we had last week and talk more about the social and economic desparities in this city! (Ok, maybe no one will be interested in that last one). More to come later...



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