The 4-1-0

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Lexington Market

We've been wanting to check out the Lexington Market now since I started hearing about it 5 weeks ago. So, last Sunday we took the light rail there to see what it was all about. Here's a picture of the outside. If you'll notice, this is a computer enhanced image. The major thing missing: homeless people.
The ride in on the light rail starts off being very beautiful and interesting; fun buildings, nice shops, etc. Then, as you travel down Howard St., the buildings (beautiful, historic, turn-of-the century type buildings) become abandoned, boarded up, and more crappy-looking. It's ashame because it could be such a beautiful area. Other than the market, the only prominent shop in the area is a huge liquor store...go figure.
There were two homeless men in front of us as we walked up to the market entrance; one smelled like old cabbage, the other a barn (not the good barn smell, either). I may be painting a somewhat negative image of the place and I'm not trying to-that's just the way it was. There were a lot of people around shouting-we couldn't figure out if they were nuts, in pain or trying to sell something.
Our initial reason for going to Lexington Market was to partake in the Chocolate Festival. As it turns out, the Festival was only a few small tables selling fudge, chocolate cake and some other goodies along with a really bad, really loud funk band.
The market has some really good looking food, and good prices. However, it seemed as if most of the other stuff were miscellaneous animal nasty-parts. Turkey necks. Yum! Pigs feet. I'll have three! I think they sold everything but the, well, you know.
So, Lexington Market: interesting, yes, but probably don't need to go back for awhile.



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