The 4-1-0

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The special prize at the bottom of the box

I mean, bus...I just got back from Target (an unusually long bus trip today-about 2.5 hours to get there, shop and get back). I spent a ridiculous amount of time waiting for the stupid bus today however, I can't really complain...the weather is absolutely beautiful! It's right about 80, sunny and just a nice breeze. It's turned out to be one of surreal, not quite fall, not quite winter days. I say surreal because it's very dry and the chlorophyll is just draining out of the leaves, giving everything from the trees to the lawns a very slight jaundice appearance; it's very dream-like.

So, now that this is essientially MY blog (being that I'm not in school and/or working yet) and I have really nothing new to write about, I'll make some reccomendations for everyone:

If you like honey like we do, check out this site: Really Raw Honey
This stuff is amazing! We've been buying it for about a year and a half and never get tired of it-we even eat it by the spoonful! It's a little expensive, but they ship it for free. I'd suggest getting the 5lb tub.

Learn how to make your own bread. It's been saving us a lot of money, tastes better and makes the house smell ever-so good. If you have the book, :"The Joy of Cooking" (not the other "The Joy of..." book) check out the Italian Saltless Loaf (I think that's the name). We ate a ton of this in Italy and it is different than bread here (obviously, there's not salt). However, this makes it especially good to cook with: use it in soups like a Ribollita ( this is a good start) or make a sandwich out of it. The good thing about the bread is that, because it has no salt, it takes on the flavor of things you put on it better (at least I think it does). That last sentence was sweet...

What have I just written? Am I going to get a corporate sponsorship for this? I'm hungry now.



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