Keeping one from the other...
So, my job situation has become even stranger as of late. Now I understand what it's like trying to date 2 girls at the same time.
Last Monday, on the way out of my current job, I thought: "I wonder where __PR is at in their selection process?" So, I checked my voicemail. On it, there just so happened to be a message from __PR saying that they wanted to have me come in for an interview. I nearly crapped my pants. So, last Tuesday I asked for Friday (of the same week) off for "personal reasons."
On Friday the two of us (we thought it would be fun to make a date out of it) packed our bags and headed off for DC. *Side note,* one of the big factors in whether or not I take the "better" job (if I'm offered it), is how long/difficult the commute on the train is. As it turns out, it almost painless! It runs on time or ahead of schedule (I guess this is different if there's bad weather) and it's only a 15 minute walk to __PR's building.
First of all, DC is a lot nicer than Baltimore. Granted, there are some nasty parts of DC, and we did see the obligatory crazy homless man yelling his grievances to anyone who passed by, but Baltimore couldn't hold a candle to DC. For one thing, the buildings that line the streets (many of them are 100+ years old), are kept up. There are many new condos being built and, oh yeah, there's actually some culture (musuems, performing arts, concerts, etc)!
So, the interview. As it would turn out, it was dreary and raining the entire day. However the weather was no indication as to how my interview would go; I thought it went really well. I met with two men, both would presumably be my boss(es). We had dthe usual interview chit-chat: why should we hire you? What are you good at? Etc, etc...I told them, they told me. It all went really smoothly. (now watch, I'll say all of this and they'll send me a letter saying I sucked) The job would not be something that I would want to do for 30+ years, but I would have my foot in the door. I was told that, due to the nature of the organization, that it would be possible to "help out" other departments. IF I get hired, I would get exposure to many different, world-class operations.
When I was done chatting, I got a brief tour of the building-all but the cafe. The offices, unlike many offices I've been in, actually have color(s) other than beige. In fact, in some areas it was kind of a Spanish/Tuscan color pallette.
After my tour I bid my last ajudicator farewell and Kristin and I had lunch at a Chinese restaraunt (in China Town!). Afterwards, because of the rain, we decided to tour one of the Smithsonians (Natural History) instead of the Mall. If you haven't seen any of the Smithsonians, I would reccommend all of them. We then grabbed a pint of Smithwicks and nibbled on some curried ladened "chips" (fries) and chicken wings at a local Irish pub. It turned out to be a really fun day.
Now it's just the waiting...the game of keeping one girl from finding out about the other. Right now, I need to not let my current "girlfriend" find out about the "girlfriend" that has better looking...benefits...