The 4-1-0

Saturday, January 06, 2007

My Golden Ticket

This isn't very exciting, but I can't really remember what I was going to write about.

So, as some of you know, I commute into work. It usually take make a total of 1.5 hours to get into work, and the same to get home. Yeah, I know it seems like a lot, but 2 of those hours are usually spent sleeping on the MARC train. After getting to Union Station in DC, I walk to work (about 1 mile).

When one buys a month-long MARC pass one is able to use it on the MARC train (M-F) and just about all public transportation in Baltimore (24/7). The trick has been finding out what trains, if any, I could use it on during the weekends. It seems like the good people at the Amtrak ticketing station don't want you to know that you can use the passes on their weekend trains. I finally got it all figured out, but now I think I understand what the process of buying a kilo of heroin must be like...
As it turns out, my pass is also good on the Washington circulator buses (I found that out completely by accident yesterday)...sweet!

I'm sorry for this worthless post....

Any of you public radio listeners out their should listen to this


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