The 4-1-0

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Nicholas, your chariot

Ok, so I was especially mad about missing our flight, but it worked outjust fine...
Like Kristin was saying, we are now in Ireland-more specifically, Achill island in extreme western Ireland, County Mayo. And, most importantly, we have a car....
Our car is a fine auto, about 7 feet long and sits 2 very comfortably (it's supposed to seat 4, and it would do so just fine). It's a manual (I must give thanks to my mentors, Zubin and Molly, for teaching how to drive one of these), and gets about 700km on a full tank of gas. blah blah...
I must freely admit, however much I don't want to, that I was scared out of my freakin' mind when I was first handed the keys and bid "safe travels" by the rental guy (i'll add more about this fiasco tomorrow).
The last two nights we have been camping, the first night at Rosses Point in County Sligo, and last night and tonight on Achill Island.
The drive here was very out-of-this-world...first of all, I'm driving on the wrong side of the road, on the wrong side of the car, through forests, mountains, bogs and small towns all while trying to read signs (they're in both English and Gaelic) and listening to the all Gaelic radio station (about hte only thing they get out here).
One very funny thing about this town: it seems that sheep vastly out-number people. First of all, they just roam wherever they feel like; people's houses, the roads....OUR CAMPSITE. There is POOP all over the fact, I would say that the only thing here that out-numbers the sheep is the sheep poop...
This lead me to this conclusion: the sheep are communal. No one needs to mow, no one needs to fertilize...they have sheep! And whenever you need a sweater, maybe a little mutton, it's all right there for you. My new goal is to sneek up on a sheep and pet it.
It's also been quite an adjustment in weather--it was about 100 and sunny when we left Rome, here it's very windy, mostly cloudy, sometimes raining and only about 60.
We'll post more later, happy 4th of July back at home!


Blogger Monica B. said...

If only you could have been in Rome today. . . the day that Italy beat Germany to go to the finals of the world cup!! It was beautiful. Actually, I forgot the game was on and remembered when it had just started overtime. So, I actually got to skip the long boring first 90 minutes and got to watch the exciting last 30 minutes. Anyway, I hope you two are having a lovely time in Ireland and I won't comment on the problems in Rome. I'm just glad you made it safe to your destination. Love you!

5:45 PM  
Blogger Monica B. said...

Oh, yeah. and Happy 4th of July!

5:46 PM  

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