The 4-1-0

Monday, July 10, 2006

...and six children later...

So, our plans have changed once before you freak out, mommy...NO, I am NOT pregnant. However, we have much more incentive now...

Anyway, after having our fair share of sheep, sheep poo and sleeping on the hard, cold, smelly ground, we decided to spend our last 2 nights lounging as king and queen (or at least lord and lady) of the Roundwood House, a beautiful 17th century mansion converted to a Bed and Breakfast. We visited the Irish National Stud, which was quite educational. There resides the world's most expensive prostitute...Indian Ridge, a 21 year old thoroughbred horse who commands a €75,000 stud fee (that's about $97,500). Anyway, we got in plenty of foal petting and garden looking.

Later that evening, after a good romp around the property with "Tony" and "Frank" (the names we gave the two dogs that followed us everywhere...their real names are Frodo and Sheridan, but we liked ours better...), we had an entertaining 5 course traditional Irish meal (homecooked by Rosemarie, the owner of the B&B) with Cindy and Jeannine, two country girls from Wisconsin (small world). Later that evening we sat down for a fireside chat (complete with tea and a peat fire) with the two very interesting women and Frank, Rosemarie's husband (we couldn't actually figure out what he did there except whatever Rosemarie told him to do!). Several hours, hundreds of photos of Cindy and Jeannine and a DVD video of Jeannine's horses at home doing shows later, we sat down in the kitchen for a very interesting chat with Rosemarie and Frank about Ireland, politics, the EU, Great Britain, and having 6 children. They have 6 and highly recommend it. In fact, they promised us that WHEN (they did not say IF) we have our 6 children, they will put us and our 6 mini nicks and kristins up for free for as long as we like....hmmmm....


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