The 4-1-0

Saturday, August 26, 2006


This will be a short one--for all you people who were trying to post comments on our blog, but couldn't without registering, I've fixed it so you can now comment WITHOUT signing up for another useless account that you will never use. :-) So comment away. We are lonely. And friendless...well, not quite friendless....more on that later. Enjoy your weekend and keep praying for cool weather...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Sorry I couldn't make it to your going away party. I hope you love Baltimore - I almost went to school there (Loyola) before deciding on St. Olaf for some reason instead. It's beautiful! You're in my thoughts and prayers!

Jeff DeZiel

12:53 AM  
Blogger Monica B. said...

You may be lonely but you're not friendless. . . sorry to say but a cold front has come to west Texas. It's only 68 and rainy right now. It has been in the high 90's and low 100's for a while so this is nice. We're going to be at a retreat for the high school this weekend (in the mountains of New Mexico and it's only suppose to be a high of 60!) so I won't get a chance to call. I love you guys and I'm sorry you're lonely!

1:20 PM  

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