The 4-1-0

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Just a quick one

Sorry we haven't posted for awhile, but we've been very busy. This one will be short....
So, Tuesday (the 20th) we spent the evening in Switzerland and it was a very nice city (a lot like home, actually). We thought that we would be fine getting by in -geneva of a day without knowing any French, but boy were we wrong...We wound up finding the nearest English bookstore and buying French phrase books. We then sat in a park for 2 hours trying to learn as much french as possible.
The next day we went to Rome and found out that the subway closes at, we were stuck on a hot, hot stinky bus for about 1.5hrs.
We'll talk more about Rome later, but we are going to catch a train to Tuscany shortly. We'll post more later.

Nick & Kristin


Blogger Monica B. said...

Even though you sat in a park for 2 hours trying to learn French, at least it was a park in Switzerland which looks very pretty from the pictures. I mean, it's way better than learning French in a classroom.

1:13 AM  

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