The 4-1-0

Saturday, July 14, 2007

This is bothering me

I'm sure most of you have heard of Genarlow Wilson. If you haven't he's been serving something like a 10 year sentence for having consensual oral sex with a 15 year-old girl; he was 17. In Georgia, apparently that's a felony. Do I think he deserves 10 years, probably not. Maybe a good butt-kicking, but 10 years seems excessive.

That's not really the part that's bothering me; the oversight of some critical details by the media is what is. The reason that I'm writing a 2nd entry today is because I just saw another bit on CNN about this "poor, angelic" kid. I guess there was a rally today in Atlanta calling for "equal justice" and for him to be freed or his sentence reduced (WHICH OF COURSE I DON"T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH!!!!). The media makes this kid look like a card carrying member of the local MENSA-Saturday-morning-chess-club. They always seem to overlook the fact that this kid was at a hotel party getting drunk (accepted information) and stoned (speculative; no concrete evidence) with a bunch of other kids while engaging in orgies of all manners. To top it off, the fools video taped the whole thing. It sounds more like a Sturgis Rally rather than the game of "spin the bottle" the media makes it seem like.
I think Michel Martin has some great commentary on this and the Duke Lacrosse cases.
Should the kid be locked up for 10 years? No...but c'mon, he certainly isn't this.



Blogger JadeRock said...

hahaha.. i just like the innocent lamb

7:56 PM  

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