The 4-1-0

Saturday, June 09, 2007


Most people leave Minnesota when they get the chance-I however, will be returning there for my vacation; I am looking forward to cooler temperatures, sleeping, mosquitoes and, of course, not working. On the 16th, my brother-in-law is getting married in South Dakota, so I'll get to see my in-laws for awhile as well.

I was looking at my ticket the other day, and I could not figure out what I was smoking when I decided to buy a ticket that left out of Dulles at 830 AM on a Sunday. As I think I've mentioned before, Dulles is in VA, about 1 hour and 15 min away from our home! Then it dawned on me that we were originally going to be living in DC, not Baltimore, by the end of the summer...I was glad to find out that I wasn't completely mental.

Anyway, if anyone is around and wants to have lunch/kick me in the crotch, give me a call.


PS On second thought, don't call if you want to kick me in the crotch. That's what's called an abusive relationship. Seriously, what kind of friend are you?


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