The 4-1-0

Saturday, May 19, 2007

It WILL fit

I hope to have pictures of this process later...

So, we recently moved into our new apartment-a nice, much larger 2-bedroom unit in an area called Hampden. It's an old house, probably built in the '20s, that has had the basement and first floors converted into shops (a purse store and a yarn shop) and the 2nd floor converted into an apartment. We have a deck with a beautiful view (wink, wink) of the Wine Source's parking lot (an awesome shop that sells lots of wine, beer and spirits as well as gourmet meats and cheeses) a MUCH larger kitchen with a tin ceiling and exposed brick, a huge sun room, and 2 bedrooms. We really like the neighborhood because it tries really hard to be chic, but has just a few too many trashy people to get there. This means that it has cool shops, lots of unique places to eat and is relatively cheap, but once-in-awhile you have the rats chew through your garbage (turns out this is a problem in ALL cities) or have a drunk guy pass out on your steps (happened to some friends nearby). we moved everything last Monday (thanks to everyone involved!) and managed to get everything in the house BUT our very overweight couch. We decided that we would go to Ikea and check out the futons (you see, our couch is a sleeper, which makes it very desirable) but we were very disappointed with what we could afford. So, 2 nights ago, we took a saw to the pig.

We cut it in 2 places and were able, with much pushing, shoving and paint-scraping, to get it into the sun room. Yesterday, I pieced the thing back together with some angled and flat brackets that I bought at Home Depot.

Now we just need to stitch the fabric back up! Victory!!!



Blogger Buckwalter said...

Are there pictures of "the pig" wedged into your new room? Also, have you considered slaughtering "the pig" and enjoying some delicious ribs? -Buckwalter

9:47 PM  
Blogger Toni Burns said...

Ran across your blog and enjoyed reading up on your life. Monica does a pretty good job of keeping me updated. Can you believe our parents are going to be in Italy in a few weeks? Doesn't seem very fair - Toni

6:23 PM  

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