The 4-1-0

Saturday, June 23, 2007

My Good Deed

I have a lot of things I could say about my vacation to MN/SD; I had a great time having lunch/dinner with friends, catching up with family, going to my brother-in-law's wedding...all of which I have pictures of. Hmmmm...where to start? I'll just pick a couple of things.

---Kahns. Nothing else needs to be said about this.
---Making Andalucian Gazpacho and Lentil salad for friends (I think they liked it...if not, at least they ate it).
---Spending an entire day working "with" my dad on "his" garden. I say "with" because over many hours, I don't think he managed to to do much of anything, other than talk about "Republican A-holes." I say "his" because if I hadn't started the seeds and moved them from where he planted them, there probably would only be dirt where there are now beautiful wildflowers.
---Dancing (sober, I might add) with my wife's younger cousins (11,14 and 17). The eldest, who I think is 17, does a pretty good "C-Walk". Nip Nip, wherever he is, would be proud.
---My parents putting a diaper on MacGyver, our 16 year-old Bichon Frise, because he would just pee wherever. Like he'd go outside, not pee, and then come back in the house and pee by the door. He's otherwise healthy, just incontinent. And in a diaper. Taped to him in order to cover his wee-wee. I'm sorry Gyvie...
---Last but not least, my good deed: On our way home from the wedding, Kristin, Monica (I'd link to her blog, but I don't have the address) and I stopped to eat at *DUN DUN DUN* McDonalds (by the by, is it McDonalds or McDonald's?). We were in a small town in western Minnesota...farmland-not lots of trees out there...very windy at times. It was mid afternoon, and there was about a 30 mph wind blowing. We pull up to the building and there stood this wee little old lady, hunched over and trying to walk to her car. The wind started gusting and this woman started wobbling...not like Weebles Wobble, mind you, more like "TIMMMMBBBEERRR!!!," wobble...I jump out of the car (after changing into my superman outfit), and ask the lady if she needs help. She mumbled something and I offered her my arm and walked her to her car. She said something about me being a gentleman and got into her car. It occurred to me as I was walking away that, if this woman could barely stand on her own, she probably shouldn't be driving (Kristin also pointed this out later). I guess all you need to get a license is a strong pair of trifocals and a good metal hip.

I'll have pics of the wedding and other stuff if I ever remember to upload them.



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