The 4-1-0

Friday, June 16, 2006

I am a genius...and problems viewing our photo link...

So it turns out that I am a genius. As we were leaving our room last night at around 8:30pm, we were swept up into a massive throng of parents toting around little spanish girls (and some not so little spanish girls as you can see...) dolled up in vibrant flamenco outfits. As we were ushered along, we suddenly found ourselves face to face with Jesus...or a giant float of Jesus and his disciples enjoying the Santa Cena (last supper) along with an entire processional of women and children wearing black, carrying candles, burning incense and, of course, a brass marching band. Not knowing exactly what was going on, but thrilled that we had caught this amazing event, we snapped pictures and followed the processional for awhile. The streets were lit up with what looked like garland and christmas lights. So we had sat down to eat, still puzzled and decided to ask our waitor exactly what was going on. His eyes ablaze, he excitedly spilled out all kinds of information about La Feria de Corpus Christi (some sort of fair for the cathedral...) and how they have a giant fairground and rides and flamenco dancing and drinking and laughing and happiness. He ripped out his order pad and frantically scribbled down instructions for taking the Bus Ferial to the fair site and how we can dance our problems away until 8am if we would like...he informed us that we MUST take a cup of the very special Granadan wine at the fair entrance ("!es riquissimo!!) so that we can enter the fair "muy contentos". After nearly 10 minutes of these instructions (we discovered the key to the Spaniards....ask them a question in Spanish and they never stop talking), he let us go and enjoy the fair. So Nick and I wandered around what was like the Minnesota State Fair times 10,000 and left around 1:30. I am sad to admit that many a 2 and 3 year old outlasted us last night...

Anyway, there are aparently 3 more days of this feria and there are bullfights each night and more flamenco we´ll keep you all updated.

Also, if you have trouble viewing our links to that we posted to view our other photos, please email us and we´ll email you our username and password. (either or


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