catching up's been way to long. I'm going to do a brief catch-up, and then post some pics later.
First, a few weeks ago now, Kristin and I went to her Winter Gala event for school. It was a lot of fun! It was held at (what I would call) a pop-culture museum next to Camden Yard. The place had all sorts of cool TV, movie and comic book memorabilia. We also got a ton of free food and, to my amazement, an open bar. As I've said before, the only way to get nerdy graduate students to interact is by getting them wasted. Also, there were only about 200 people allowed onto the dance floor due to fire code regulations; it was hotter than hades in there anyway so we just ate, drank and mingled.
Second, a flew home for a weekend about 2 weeks ago now to attend my Goddaughter's dedication. Yes, that makes me a Godfather. The ceremony was very sweet and I had a great time at the reception afterwards. I also, to no avail, tried to burp her.
I spent all day yesterday wanting to peel my skin off with a fillet knife. As it turns out, I have a rather nasty allergic reaction to a slow release medication that I had been taking for a week (so that means it will be at least a week before all of the hives are gone). My arse looked pretty much like the dark side of the moon. I also found that benedryl (however it's spelled) really kicks that crap out of me, but steroids help combat that drowsiness...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Most importantly, we are going to be parents. Kristin is 13, maybe 14 weeks pregnant. We were trying, although we didn't think it would happen literally the first time. We heard the baby's heartbeat at 10 weeks, which was absolutely incredible...I almost fell out of my chair! Anyway, I think that this will require a new, separate blog (more to come on the later).